Morning Routine | Importance of Morning Routine

व्हॉट्सॲप ग्रुप येथे क्लीक करा
टेलिग्राम ग्रुप येथे क्लीक करा

According to Bhagvati, the morning routine is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. He emphasizes the importance of eating a heavy breakfast, which is contrary to the Western concept of a light breakfast.

“सुबह का खाना सबसे अच्छा माने सबसे ज़्यादा खाना है सबसे अच्छा खाना है जो भी स्वाद आपको लगता है वो सुबह ही खाई है”

Ideal Time for Breakfast

The ideal time for breakfast is between sunrise and 2.5 hours after sunrise. In India, this would be between 6:00 AM and 9:30 AM.

Time and activity

6:00 AM Sunrise

9:30 AM Latest time for breakfast

Why Heavy Breakfast is Important

A heavy breakfast is essential because it helps to kick-start the digestive system, which is directly related to the sun’s energy.

“जैसे जैसे सूर्य तीव्र होगा अग्नि तीव्र होगी. जैसे जैसे सूर्य कम होगा अग्नि भी कम होगी”

🍴 Lunch and Dinner Routine 🍴


Eat something light between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM

Avoid heavy meals during this time

Opt for fruits, juices, or light snacks


Eat dinner before sunset, ideally 40 minutes before sunset

Eat a heavy meal, but not as heavy as breakfast

Avoid eating after sunset, as the digestive system slows down

Time and activity

40 minutes before sunset

Eat dinner

After sunset

Avoid eating

🥛 Evening Snack 🥛

According to Bhagvati, the only suitable snack for the evening is milk

Milk is easily digestible and helps to maintain a healthy digestive system

“शाम को सूर्य डूबने के बाद मैंने आपको कल कहा था हमारे पेट में जठर स्थान में कुछ ऐसे हारमोंस या एंजाइम्स या रस पैदा होते हैं जो दूध को पचाते हैं”

📊 Benefits of Following this Routine 📊

  1. Reduces sugar levels
  2. Reduces triglycerides
  3. Increases HDL (good cholesterol)
  4. Decreases LDL (bad cholesterol)


  • Sugar levels Decreases
  • Triglycerides decreases
  • HDL increases
  • LDL decreases

Healthy Morning Routine Benefits

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